Medical World
English world

Study Medical English

Galaxy Training Academy brings the world’s leading Medical English e-learning platform from France to India to guide and handhold Medical students and professionals to improve their English language in a view to enhance their overall personality as well as to lay down the process of moving abroad for an international career.

Medical World

Medical World has been helping students and professionals in the medical sector to develop effective communication in English so that they can help their patients since 2010.

·      Today, English is a requirement for medical professionals, nurses need medical English to further their training, gain qualifications, advance their careers and enhance professional mobility.

·      Nursing schools, universities and training institutions need to make limited budgets and work hard to continuously improve the quality of training whilst producing internationally qualified and capable personnel. Online training can help mitigate these budgetary factors and at the same time retain quality and quantity.

·      Medical World has been created to help open doors to the world by training people to be well-prepared for their careers. 


Active users every year in Europe.


Nursing Colleges partnered in Europe


Satisfied training Institutes with our quality


Learners done live lessons with our tutors directly

Medical English Online Platform

  • Flexible tailored solutions, comprehensive pedagogical monitoring and personalized support through the course
  • Medical World will create learning paths in partnership with learning managers of the nursing colleges to reflect their learners’ needs.
  • Schools of nursing, physiotherapists, podiatrists, anaesthetists, osteopaths, paramedics, emergency medicine, childcare professionals, midwives, and radiographers can use our content for training purposes.
  • Modules include anatomy, cardiology, diseases & symptoms, emergencies, medical ethics, gastroenterology, hygiene, infectious diseases, medication, medical equipment, mental illness, nutrition, obesity, pain assessment & management, patient admissions, surgery and post-operative care, the hospital environment, the nursing profession. 

Why Medical World

  • Medical World – only medical English e-learning platform
  • Created by our own expert team of educational and IT specialists
  • Original and authentic material.
  • Customized learning paths to meet the needs and objectives of each training institution.
  • Authentic and relevant video, audio and text to help develop listening & reading comprehension and vocabulary, grammar inserts for accurate use of English.
  • Supplementary learning resources.
  • Certification upon completion of their Medical World course with the corresponding CEFR level.
  • There are also modules related to academic study including presenting a medical article and writing an abstract. And we continue to develop new modules for OET preparation and other fields requested by our partners.
  • Interactive, ergonomic, simple and flexible, from your PC, tablet or smartphone
  • Unlimited access 24/7 – PC, tablet & smartphone
  • Automatic platform access management: access codes are sent directly to users after completing an online test
  • Intuitive and flexible platform: instant answers to tests, interactive learning, infographics and visual illustrations, with the possibility to restart exercises
  • User-friendly and detailed dashboard for each user to view results, connection times, and consistency. 

Recognitions and Certifications

ffp certifications
EALTHY certification

Modules in Medical English

  1. General Nursing
  2. Paediatric Nursing
  3. Physiotherapy
  4. Podiatry
  5. Midwifery
  6. Emergency Handlers
  7. Radiographers
  8. Anaesthetic Nurses
  9. Psychomotor Therapy

Our Training Methodology

  • Curriculum Based training
  • Grammar / Vocabulary exercises
  • Speaking / Listening exercise
  • Reading / Writing exercise

OET / IELTS Requirement

It is of utmost importance for anyone to have OET/IELTS test score while applying for Overseas medical practice. Galaxy along with Medical World offers a staged learning process for medical professionals right from the college. Our program is designed in a way such that, the English language is taught from the first year of college (Foundation Level) through the final year (Advanced Level).  OET/IELTS level training is offered in the final year of their education. 

With a sophisticated online platform and trained experts, we provide a holistic training program in the English language partnering with institutions.  

To learn more about the training, follow the link: IELTS and OET

Nurses Recruitment in the UK NHS

Galaxy provides complimentary international recruitment for nurses to the NHS in the UK. Currently, we are processing recruitment services to top NHS such as Frimley, Cambridge and West Hertfordshire NHS services. 

The candidates will have 

  1. 100% free recruitment services
  2. End-to-end services like documentation, air fares, visa processing. 
  3. Great relocation benefits with reimbursements of Visa process, OSCE exam fees, IELTS/OET test registration fee. 
  4. Attractive salary of Band 3-5 salary scale. 

Qualification and Eligibility 

  1. B.Sc Nursing or GNM
  2. Min. 1 year experience as a registered nurse. 
  3. IELTS score with 6+ band or OET with B grade overall. 
  4. CBT passed/booked is a must. 
How Can I help you?